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Google Android Studio 4.0 Beta 3 released

Google Android Studio 4.0 Beta 3

Google Android Studio 4.0 Beta 3

Android Studio 4.0 Beta 3 is released. Some updates are as follows:

General fixes

Android Gradle Plugin

Issue # 151040815 : BuildTypeAttr.ATTRIBUTE and VariantAttr.ATTRIBUTE in Android Gradle plugin 4.0.0-beta01 is not compatible with plugin 3.6

Issue # 146520838 : JsonSyntaxException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected BEGIN_OBJECT, but BEGIN_ARRAY at line 1 and column 2 $

Build Variants

Issue # 142608498 : AS forgot to choose build variant

Import / Sync

Issue # 149045341 : Very long sync time when using the custom configuration

Issue # 150848406 : GradleVersions pattern matcher issue

View Binding

Issue # 150405777 : Add a change tracker that enables/disables view binding

See the updated description for more details:

Android Studio is the official Android application development integrated development environment (IDE) based on IntelliJ IDEA. In addition to IntelliJ’s powerful code editor and developer tools, Android Studio provides more features that make building Android applications more efficient, such as:

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