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5G Signal Towers Were Burned In UK Beacuse Of False Information



After several 5G signal towers were burned, the British Cabinet Secretary Michael Gove said on Saturday that the conspiracy theory linking the 5G signal tower to the spread of the new coronavirus is dangerous false news and completely wrong.

British government officials say 5G signal tower spreading the new coronavirus is pure nonsense

When asked about the “theory” that the so-called 5G signal tower can help spread the new coronavirus, Gove said, “This is completely nonsense and dangerous false information.”

In recent days, cell phone signal towers in several parts of the UK have been damaged and communications have been affected. During the New Coronary Pneumonia epidemic, people rely on the network connections to further increase because of the people’s home isolation or remote work.

A signal tower of British telecommunications company BT in Birmingham was set ablaze, causing heavy losses. BT said that this signal tower provides 2G, 3G and 4G services, not 5G services.

Stephen Powis, a senior official of the British National Medical Service System, said that the conspiracy theory of the 5G signal tower to spread the new coronavirus is false information, and there is no scientific basis. It is absolutely essential for everyone. “

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