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5 Tips and Tricks to improve your Google search efficiency

Google search

Google search

Google is something we all use. And when it comes it efficient searching not all of us are master at it. Knowing to search in some specific ways can save a lot of time and make you more productive.

Here we have a list of 9 tips and tricks you can use to search in a more efficient way so without wasting your time let’s just dive into it,

1. Use Chrome’s URL/search bar as an instant dictionary:
Instead of opening a new tab just for a word search, you can try it in the URL tab. Just type the word you want to query about. And now in the dropdown suggestion that google throws at you, you will see some meaning of the word.

2. Specific image searching:
So if you are searching for some image with some specific property it’s much easier than you can think of. You can alter various parameters for the image and change the displayed images. These parameters include size, color, and usage rights.

You can use this feature by entering your query and then find options form setting drop-down on image search.

3. Limit your search time frame:
Sometimes you want some latest info about something and trust me it’s really hard to check for the article written to date for every search result you encounter with. So here is the trick you can set a timeframe for your results. To do so after searching for something head to tools under the search bar and then click on any time, then a dropdown will appear, here just select the timeframe you prefer.

4. Search by images:
We can search for images on google, but sometimes all we have is an image and want to search about the image. So google have a solution for this.

You can use the feature by clicking on the small camera icon at the end of the search bar on google image search. Here either you can put the URL of image or can also upload your image.

5. Search whole phrases:
If you want to search for a page that have a specific phrase like you have a phrase and only want the result that have the exactly the same phases. So all you have to do is write the phrase in an inverted comma like this “your query ” and google will only include the pages which will have the same phrases on the page.

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