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39 Google search tips and tricks

Google Search Tips

Google Search Tips

Google is the way how we consume information in today’s world, everything we need is on Google. Want to build anything google it first, want to know about anything Google it. Want to search for images google it. So google is part of how we learn.

And the best thing you can learn now it how to google. Yup I know that is easy, just open up any browser and search for it. But what about efficient searching so you only get the result you were searching for. It’s not that easy. But to make it easier for you here we have some tricks you can use to narrow down your searches.

Search by Voice

You can only search by typing, you can also search by your voice, search with your voice just open google and find the microphone icon on your screen. Just tap on it and search for whatever you want.

Search by Image

We can search for images on google, but you can also reverse it, like uploading an image and Google will search for related to the image. To search with images just in google tap on the camera icon, and upload your image.

Make Private Searches

Most of the google features don’t seem like something that could you trust for privacy. So if you are also concerned about your privacy you should try out Startpage it can perform a google search for you and you don’t have to worry about your privacy.

Search Applications

You can also use google for searching for apps for your smartphone. Just search for any app and tap on tab that says the app, as we search for images.

Customize your Search Settings

With Google, you can also customize your search. To do so click on Settings located at the bottom of the homepage, and it will take you to a new page where you will encounter a lot of new options just play with them.

Search for a Specific Phrase

If you are looking for pages that have included some exact phrase, you want to search for. Then you can search for that phrase in an inverted comma like this “example” and google will bring you all the pages that have exact same pages that include the specific phrase.

Search by Location

You can also search for something based on location, and that’s was simple, to search for anything based on location just add pin code or name of the city at the end of your search.

Search between 2 Numbers

If you wanna search something between two numbers, you can do this by adding two dots between the numbers like for example you can say “laptop for 3000.40000”

Search within a Specific Website

If you only wanna search on a specific website you can do it just by adding “ your_query” and google will only search for your query in some specific have declared.

Find Specific Files

If you want to download for some specific files that are publicly available online. Usually, you have to go through many sites and then you got that file, here is the simple thing just declare a file type. For example, you can search like “type: pdf optical fiber”

Search for Terms in page’s Titles

With Google, you can also search for pages that have something in the title. And it will return the pages that have the keyword in the title, to search in these ways you can try intitle: and allintitle: attribute, for example, you can search “intitle:python” and it will return the pages which have python in the title.

Search for Terms in page’s URLs

Similar to entitle you can also use some trick to search for pages that have a specific term in the URL to do so you can use the attribute inurl: and allinurl.

Know What Links to What

link: can easily tell who links to your website or any other web page you want to know about. For example: “” tells which web pages are linking to

Find Similar Websites

Google also allows you to search for a related website, with this search google will return you some websites that are related to the given website, for example, you can search for “”.

Search the Web by specific Country, Time or Location

Google allows you to filter your search result with many attributes, you can try the options by clicking on the search tools located under the search result.

Search Images by specific Size, Color, Type, Time or Copyright

Like search tools we talked about in the previous trick, you can also filter out images by using search tools located under the search bar in image search, here you can use filters like size, color time and copyright.

Make Advanced Search

With Google’s Advanced Search you can make the most of this search engine in a single page. It combines many of its search tricks, special features, and search tools under one hood. You can access the advanced search by clicking Settings > Advanced search at the bottom-right of Google’s homepage or directly by navigating to “”.

Check Spellings

Google will help you to correct your spellings, if you don’t remember any spelling just type in whatever you remember and google will help you.

Get Definitions, Synonyms, Antonyms, and Pronunciations

You can get the definition of any word with google, you just have to use a defined attribute. For example: “define:control” will return you definition, synonyms, and pronunciation.

Find Origins of Words

If you are interested in finding the origin of some word just use the attribute etymology: And it will return you the origin of the word.

Convert Numbers to Words

If you have a long number and have some difficulties to pronounce it. Google will help you in that just type and number and write in English after it and hit the search button.

Solve Calculations

Typing calculator in Google gives you a calculator and you can use it for calculation, but you can also write your expression in the search bar and google will return the answer directly.

Convert Units, Time zones, and Currencies

Google is always there to help you, even when it comes to conversion, whenever you want to convert anything just use the keyword convert for example if you wanna convert Indian rupee to the dollar just type convert x dollar to rupee.

Calculate Tips

Google will also help you to calculate tip to offer when you type tip calculator, google will return you a small calculator where you have to enter your bill and how much percent of the bill you want to offer as a tip and it will calculate the tip you should offer.

Get live Weather Information

Google is also good at telling you the weather, to search fo weather just type weather, and the city name, for example, you can search whether new Delhi, and it will return you the weather.

Get Movies Showtimes

Google will also help you in finding movies time for whatever movie you want in your locality. You just have to search for movies. And boom you have movie time in your locality. For example, you can search for “movies Hyderabad ” and it will give you a list of movies and their showtime at Hyderabad.

Get Sports Info

If you are a sports lover and don’t have access to tv or anything where you can look at states of the match. But you always have access to the internet, just search cricket score on google and it will show the cricket score live you on screen.

Get Directions and Ask for Navigation

yes, you have maps but you can also ask Google for help, just type direction from x to y or you can use navigate from x to y and it will give you the directions in a mini-map.

Get Sunrise and Sunset times

To get sunrise and sunset time of any city you just have to type sunrise & sunset
Followed by city name, and it will give you sunrise and sunset time. For example, you can try our sunrise & sunset Hyderabad and it will give you sunrise and sunset time for the city.

Get Stock Quotes

If you want some instant price of the stock you can search stock price followed by the company name and google will update you with the latest stock price and some extra details like graphs and charts for the company.

Get Flight status and Search Flights easy

Google has made it a lot easier to get flight status on the go just with search flight followed by the flight number. And google will give you the status of the flight you can also search flight Delhi to Mumbai and it will give you the list of flights between these two cities.

Know your IP Address

If you ever wanna check what is your ip address then just type IP address and google will update you with your current IP address.

Get Movies Info

If you are also a movie geek than this is for you, you can search for movie details on google like you can search for newton cast, rang de Basanti song and google will intently update you with all the things.

Get Tourist Spots

Google will also help you to visit a city, just type places to visit in Delhi and it will give you a whole list of places you can visit in Delhi with some more information just go and try it.

Find Songs by Singer or Movie

You can also get a list of songs from an artist, just type in singer or artist name followed by song and it will give you a whole list of songs sung by the artist.

Get Nutritional Information

Google is really good at food, you just search the food name and google will tell you all the information about the food.

Make Food Comparisons

So when it comes to food, google is really good at it. You can also compare food on google. Just write banana vs apple in the search box and Google will give you a side by side comparison for the food.

Get dates of Holidays

You can use google as a calendar, try it out just write Diwali 2018 and it will update you with the date of Diwali in 2018.

Set Reminders

You can also set reminders with google, just a typeset reminder for the exam on 5 Oct and it will remind you. And on the day you will get the notification.

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